3D Argentina

SMN_3DPAWS_002 (id: 2) (sensor_id: n/a) located at SMN Dorrego Campo de observacion
Description: Station is mounted on a 3 meter tripod. The light sensor is installed at a 2m height, so there might be some interference from the tripod which is close to the sensor. Rain Gauge's rim was installed at 1.5m, which is the standard height for Argentina
This instrument is designated as: ACTIVE
(If 'INACTIVE', the instrument will not appear in the dashboard.)


1220828 measurements were reported.
This instrument is expected to report a measurement every 600 seconds.
The first measurement was measured at 2024-11-05 13:22:25 UTC.
The last measurement is 8 minutes old. It was measured at 2024-12-20 22:20:45 UTC.

Plot measurements for the last 1 weeks

Live Update Interval (in seconds)        Live Data Monitor

Data Start Time: Data End Time:


Short Name Name Units Min/Max (Plot) Measured Property  
st1 SHT31D Temperatura degree celsius
/ Temperature
bp1 BMP390 presion hectopascal
/ Air Pressure Value
bt1 bmp390 temperatura degree celsius
/ Temperature
sh1 SHT31D Humedad Relativa percent
/ Humidity Value
sv1 SI1145 Luz Dia count
/ Downwelling Irradiance
si1 SI1145 Infrarrojo count
/ Downwelling Irradiance
su1 SI1145 Ultravioleta count
/ Downwelling Irradiance
mt1 MCP9808 Temperatura degree celsius
/ Temperature
rg Pluviometro millimeter of water
mm H2O
/ Precipitation
rgt Pluviometro Total Hoy millimeter of water
mm H2O
/ Precipitation
rgp Pluviometro Total Ayer millimeter of water
mm H2O
/ Precipitation
ws Velocidad del Viento meters per second
/ Wind Speed
wd Direccion del Viento degree
/ Wind Direction Angle
wg Rafaga meters per second
/ Wind Speed
wgd Direccion de Rafaga degree
/ Wind Direction Angle
bpc Nivel de Carga percent
/ State Of Health
bcs Battery Current State count
/ State Of Health
hth Health count
/ State Of Health
css Nivel de señal count
/ State Of Health
